Crushing Your Fitness Goals: 5 Key Ways To Be Motivated in This Journey

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Avik Das

Starting a new fitness journey can be a thrilling sensation with the potential of discovering unfamiliar capabilities of your body and mind. Keeping aside the everyday chores, one must show at least half an hour to an hour of devotion to improve physical well-being. Routinely working out leads to mental and physical advantages, making it a great stress-buster.

Working out comes with numerous physical benefits, including weight loss, muscle gain for underweight people, brain development, better mobility, increased strength, minimized heart problems, improved blood sugar level, etc. Similarly, there are several positive elements of exercising on mental health, such as quality sleep, relieving anxiety and stress, uplifting mood, and reducing depression. Serotonin, Endorphins, and Dopamine are the three happy hormones of the body that are released during and after a workout. The relevancy of working out is irrefutable, but doing it consistently each week is easier said than done. Motivation is the key to staying persistent in your exercise regime. By using these simple techniques, an individual can maintain motivation throughout the fitness journey.

#5 Make A Plan

The first strategy of any journey is a constructive plan. If you are commencing a voyage to a new country, a travel itinerary simplifies everything, providing an update beforehand on cities, hotels, sightseeing places, and restaurants in each place. Correspondingly, a precious roadmap to attaining the fitness goal would facilitate the whole process. Whether you are on a weight loss or muscle gain journey, having a proper fitness plan is imperative. If you are a beginner, obtain guidance from a professional, hiring a personal trainer and a nutritionist to mentor you towards the target. A qualified personal trainer would make a training plan based on your fitness target. On the other hand, the importance of your activities and diet outside the weight room is fundamental in weight loss or gain, making a nutritionist essential. As per the height, weight, and fitness goals, an experienced nutritionist would create a customized diet plan.

#4 Set A Certain Time For Work Out

Discipline is associated with long-term milestones in fitness. You can only attain the dream physique or the target related to fat loss or muscle-building through committed discipline. Setting up a time frame for regular exercise is one of the core elements of reaching the fitness goal. Building habits takes time, ideally three weeks for a myriad of people. After determining how many days to go to the gym weekly, allocate a slot whether to go in the morning or evening. Depending on the workout schedule, a session could take an hour to two hours, including weight training and cardio. `

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#3 Celebrate Small Achievements Of The Journey

Small victories can lead to a greater path, meaning every achievement of this voyage should be rejoiced. The beginning of the journey will be arduous mentally and physically, but demonstrating forbearance is the key to the small and big accomplishments. Persisting with the desired goal in the first few months will inevitably bring positive results. With proper nutrition and workout plans, anyone can drop some pounds in a couple of months if fat loss is the primary objective. Likewise, the approach is applicable in a weight or muscle gain journey. Irrespective of the fitness target, make sure to rejoice in each small achievement. Celebrating small victories would help to remain motivated in the long run.

#2 Set A Realistic Target

Setting unrealistic goals can result in disappointment. When chasing a long-term goal, aiming for an achievable and feasible target is imperative to keep the zeal alive. For example, it would be naive to expect a weight loss of over fifty pounds in just three months because the numbers do not align with the set time frame. Even with massive caloric deficiency and intense hour-long cardio every day, the goal is not within reach. If an individual successfully sheds nearly fifty pounds within ninety days somehow, it will not be a balanced approach and might come with adverse side effects in the future. Hence, keep a tangible target in fitness, and upon attaining each goal, notice the surge of motivation to get better.

#1 Find A Workout Partner With The Same Objective

Sharing the same fitness journey with a friend or partner can be exhilarating, making the milestones within the grasp. While it’s optional, this method would bolster the spirit to remain motivated throughout the journey and beyond. Many serious gymgoers follow this protocol, leading to success in their physical transformation by having someone to motivate them to lift weights even on bad days. Be it a friend or romantic partner, a fitness enthusiast working on bettering themselves makes a positive influence in life. In addition to motivation, such a support system brings competitiveness, fueling a drive to outperform each other in the weight room.

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